
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Eucharistic Adoration and Devotion

Peter Paul Rubens (1577 – 1640) and Jan Wildens (1585/6-1653), 
Acto de devoción de Rodolfo I de Habsburgo
The Act of Devotion of Rudolf von Habsburg
1618 - 1620
Oil on canvas
199 cm x 286 cm
Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid 

Rudolf of Habsburg (1218 - 15 July, 1291) was the founder of the Habsburg line and one of the great Habsburg monarchs

The work was commissioned by the Habsburg King of Spain Felipe IV 

The work illustrates the humility of the truly great Monarch. It is a demonstration of his devition and the devotion of the Habsburg line. It is an acknowledgement of however high one may be, God is yet higher.
The worship of the Eucharist and its sacredness are two elements of the Mystery of the Eucharist

It was always regarded as a defining characteristic of Catholic doctrine and practice - until recently.

The Pope spoke about this recently and again stressed the importance of Eucharistic adoration

He said:
"At the moment of adoration, we are all on the same plane, kneeling before the Sacrament of Love. The common and ministerial priesthoods are united in Eucharistic worship.... 
To be all together in prolonged silence before the Lord present in his Sacrament, is one of the most genuine experiences of our being Church, which is accompanied in a complementary way with the celebration of the Eucharist, listening to the Word of God, singing, approaching together the table of the Bread of life.  
Communion and contemplation cannot be separated, they go together.  
To really communicate with another person I must know him, I must be able to be in silence close to him, to hear him and to look at him with love. True love and true friendship always live of the reciprocity of looks, of intense, eloquent silences full of respect and veneration, so that the encounter is lived profoundly, in a personal not a superficial way. And, unfortunately, if this dimension is lacking, even sacramental communion itself can become, on our part, a superficial gesture."

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